
Pagination does not seem to be working in Django rest api with GET method

Pagination does not seem to be working in Django rest api with GET method Question: I have been trying to paginate by json response but in vain. below are my code snippets. This gives me the entire result. The reason i’m converting to a dataframe is that i want to do some data cleaning …

Total answers: 1

Pagination django listview

Pagination django listview Question: I have to do pagination by 3 items per page,i have this code.When i clicked on the next button, link is changing, but on the page,its not.I tried a few examples from stackoverflow but it doesnt usefull class ShowPost(ListView): model = Posts template_name = ‘posts/allposts.html’ paginate_by = 3 page_kwarg = …

Total answers: 1

Django query filtering in paginated search_view

Django query filtering in paginated search_view Question: I have an issue to filter my queryset with following view: def innovation_search_result_view(request, *args, **kwargs): context = {} searched = ” # Search if request.GET: searched = request.GET.get(‘eWords’, ”) context[‘searched’] = searched lookup=(Q(ttg__icontains=searched)) searched_innovations = Innovationdb.objects.filter(lookup) searched_items = searched_innovations.count() # Pagination page = request.GET.get(‘page’, 1) p = Paginator(searched_innovations, …

Total answers: 1