
Can't run Selenium inside Docker

Can't run Selenium inside Docker Question: Please help me to run Selenium inside Docker. Below is my code which is not working. I am adding error message as well. Dockerfile: FROM python:3.8-slim # Install the Selenium Python bindings RUN pip install selenium # Download the ChromeDriver executable and add it to the PATH RUN wget …

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Docker running script but server doesn't work

Docker running script but server doesn't work Question: I am doing an encryption service that everytime a user goes on the server it changes the key , the problem is that when i run the python file alone in works like this when it works but when I am dockerizing it by the below code …

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Is it better to create a Dockerfile based on tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3-jupyter or refactor for load_image() attribute?

Is it better to create a Dockerfile based on tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3-jupyter or refactor for load_image() attribute? Question: I am developing image classification models in the Jupyter notebook environment. After getting my model to work with the CPU, I am trying to use the latest TensorFlow Docker image supported for Jupyter & GPU (tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3-jupyter) so I can …

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Run PIP installed library in same Dockerfile during image build

Run PIP installed library in same Dockerfile during image build Question: I need to install a PIP library in my docker image and run it from the very same Dockerfile. Example: from python COPY requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt RUN pip3 install -U -r ete3 RUN ‘python3 -c "from ete3 import NCBITaxa;NCBITaxa();"’ CMD ["gunicorn", "-k", "uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker", "-c", "", …

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Dash app cannot find pages folder when deploying on GCP using gunicorn

Dash app cannot find pages folder when deploying on GCP using gunicorn Question: I am trying to deploy my dash app which uses dash_extensions, Dash_proxy and has multiple pages in the pages folder on GCP cloud run using gunicorn but the app cannot find the pages folder. It works perfectly fine when I use the …

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Running a simple Python Container on Ubuntu

Running a simple Python Container on Ubuntu Question: So I have a directory that just includes a Dockerfile. I want to experiment with the poetry package in python. So I do not want any python files to be inside it initially because I want to create a poetry project from scratch inside the directory. So …

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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'routers'

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'routers' Question: I’ve got this error : from routers.patients import router as PatientsRouter ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘routers’ When i try to run docker-compose up api with my project. My file structure: My Dockerfile: FROM python:3.9-slim-buster WORKDIR /project COPY ./requirements.txt . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY ./api /project/api/ CMD ["uvicorn", …

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How to create a Dockerfile for streamlit app

How to create a Dockerfile for streamlit app Question: I am aiming to deploy a web-app written with Sreamlit, I can run this on my local machine by running streamlit run in my command line. However, I’m not sure how to create the docker file. Any advice? Asked By: Fariya || Source Answers: Try …

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Error in anyjson setup command: use_2to3 is invalid

Error in anyjson setup command: use_2to3 is invalid Question: #25 3.990 × python egg_info did not run successfully. #25 3.990 │ exit code: 1 #25 3.990 ╰─> [1 lines of output] #25 3.990 error in anyjson setup command: use_2to3 is invalid. #25 3.990 [end of output] This is a common error which the most …

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Changes on template files inside volume not showing on Flask frontend

Changes on template files inside volume not showing on Flask frontend Question: I am using a docker-compose Flask implementation with the following configuration docker-compose: version: ‘3’ services: dashboard: build: context: dashboard/ args: APP_PORT: "8080" container_name: dashboard ports: – "8080:8080" restart: unless-stopped environment: APP_ENV: "prod" APP_DEBUG: "False" APP_PORT: "8080" volumes: – ./dashboard/:/usr/src/app dashboard/Dockerfile: FROM python:3.7-slim-bullseye ENV …

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