
Parse XML file and output JSON with Python

Parse XML file and output JSON with Python Question: I am quite new to Python. I’m currently trying to parse xml files getting their information and printing them as JSON. I have managed to parse the xml file, but I cannot print them as JSON. In addition, in my printjson function, the function did not …

Total answers: 2

Can Pyscript dynamically update the innerHTML attribute within a py-script tag?

Can Pyscript dynamically update the innerHTML attribute within a py-script tag? Question: I’ve only just started playing with Pyscript, and I’m trying to use it to dynamically update some HTML markup on my page at run-time. (I rarely program in Javascript, so there are plenty of gaps in my knowledge when it comes to programming …

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How to extract a link from a href based on class?

How to extract a link from a href based on class? Question: I’m George beginner in programming world and I need some help in this project. So I’m building a script that at the end of it I want to redirect (on the same tab not in a new one) to the link (in this …

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In Playwright for Python, how do I get elements relative to ElementHandle (children, parent, grandparent, siblings)?

In Playwright for Python, how do I get elements relative to ElementHandle (children, parent, grandparent, siblings)? Question: In playwright-python I know I can get an elementHandle using querySelector(). Example (sync): from playwright import sync_playwright with sync_playwright() as p: for browser_type in [p.chromium, p.firefox, p.webkit]: browser = browser_type.launch() page = browser.newPage() page.goto(‘’) element = page.querySelector(‘input[id="search_form_input_homepage"]’) How …

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How to parse restructuredtext in python?

How to parse restructuredtext in python? Question: Is there any module that can parse restructuredtext into a tree model? Can docutils or sphinx do this? Asked By: zhangailin || Source Answers: Docutils does indeed contain the tools to do this. What you probably want is the parser at docutils.parsers.rst See this page for details on …

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Passing objects from Django to Javascript DOM

Passing objects from Django to Javascript DOM Question: I’m trying to pass a Query Set from Django to a template with javascript. I’ve tried different approaches to solve this: 1. Normal Approach – Javascript gets all messed up with trying to parse the object because of the nomenclature [ &gt Object:ID &lt, &gt Object:ID &lt,… …

Total answers: 14

Is there a built in package to parse html into dom?

Is there a built in package to parse html into dom? Question: I found HTMLParser for SAX and xml.minidom for XML. I have a pretty well formed HTML so I don’t need a too strong parser – any suggestions? Asked By: Guy || Source Answers: Take a look at BeautifulSoup. It’s popular and excellent at …

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How to parse malformed HTML in python, using standard libraries

How to parse malformed HTML in python, using standard libraries Question: There are so many html and xml libraries built into python, that it’s hard to believe there’s no support for real-world HTML parsing. I’ve found plenty of great third-party libraries for this task, but this question is about the python standard library. Requirements: Use …

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Get Element value with minidom with Python

Get Element value with minidom with Python Question: I am creating a GUI frontend for the Eve Online API in Python. I have successfully pulled the XML data from their server. I am trying to grab the value from a node called “name”: from xml.dom.minidom import parse dom = parse(“C:\eve.xml”) name = dom.getElementsByTagName(‘name’) print name …

Total answers: 9

XML parsing – ElementTree vs SAX and DOM

XML parsing – ElementTree vs SAX and DOM Question: Python has several ways to parse XML… I understand the very basics of parsing with SAX. It functions as a stream parser, with an event-driven API. I understand the DOM parser also. It reads the XML into memory and converts it to objects that can be …

Total answers: 4