
How to take two arrays as output from Gym.Env to fit to DQN NN

How to take two arrays as output from Gym.Env to fit to DQN NN Question: Can’t figure out how to make the gym.Env put out two separate arrays. It just seems to combine them into 1 array containing 2 arrays. But fitting to DQN NN expects two arrays. I’m hoping to put the two arrays …

Total answers: 1

tf_agents dqn fails to initialize

tf_agents dqn fails to initialize Question: Even though tf.agents initialize() require no input variables, this line agent.initialize() produces this error TypeError: initialize() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘self’ Ive tried agent.initialize(agent) because it apparently wanted self passing in… obviously that didnt work XD I suspect the problem might be that this line print(type(agent)) Produces <class …

Total answers: 1

using DQN to solve shortest path

using DQN to solve shortest path Question: I’m trying to find out if DQN can solve the shortest path algorithm so I have this Dataframe which contains a source which has nodes id ,end which represents the destination and also has nodes id, and the weights which represent the distance of the edge and then …

Total answers: 1