
How to calculate current time in different timezone correctly in Python

How to calculate current time in different timezone correctly in Python Question: I was trying to calculate the current time in NYC (EST time aka Eastern Daylight time or GMT+4) given current time in Israel (Israel daylight time, currently GMT+3) where I’m currently located. So right now Israel is 7 hrs ahead of NYC, but …

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Python using timedelta around DST hour

Python using timedelta around DST hour Question: I have a script that receives regular pings, and whenever the last ping is more than 10 minutes ago it throws an error and goes into panic mode. Simplified example: from datetime import datetime import time from random import randint class Checker: def __init__(self): self.last_ping = datetime.now() def …

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Is there a bug in Python 3.8 datetime with DST transitions?

Is there a bug in Python 3.8 datetime with DST transitions? Question: I’m trying to convert a timezone-aware datetime in Europe/Sofia to the start of the day in Europe/Sofia, but returning the datetime in UTC. Doing this, I encountered a strange problem: #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pytz from datetime import datetime, timedelta def main(): …

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Adding timedelta to local datetime, unexpected behaviour accross DST shift

Adding timedelta to local datetime, unexpected behaviour accross DST shift Question: I just stumbled accross this surprising behaviour with Python datetimes while creating datetimes accross DST shift. Adding a timedelta to a local datetime might not add the amount of time we expect. import datetime as dt from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo # Midnight d0 = …

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Find timedelta difference with DST hours (Python)

Find timedelta difference with DST hours (Python) Question: Given two datetimes such as 2020-01-01 00:00:00 and 2020-04-01 00:00:00, I want to get the timedelta between the two dates in terms of number of hours with any addition/subtraction due to daylight saving time. I am not sure how I can proceed. Asked By: hkbgner || Source …

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Python daylight savings time

Python daylight savings time Question: How do I check if daylight saving time is in effect? Asked By: Pawel Furmaniak || Source Answers: You can use time.localtime and look at the tm_isdst flag in the return value. >>> import time >>> time.localtime() (2010, 5, 21, 21, 48, 51, 4, 141, 0) >>> _.tm_isdst 0 Using …

Total answers: 8