
python manage.py dumpdata Unable to serialize database

python manage.py dumpdata Unable to serialize database Question: I am trying to run the command python manage.py dumpdata > data.json However, I receive such a traceback: CommandError: Unable to serialize database: ‘charmap’ codec can’t encode characters in position 1-4: character maps to <undefined> Exception ignored in: <generator object cursor_iter at 0x0000020E11353820> Traceback (most recent call …

Total answers: 3

Python Django: Use dumpdata for single model with m2m field and mySql

Python Django: Use dumpdata for single model with m2m field and mySql Question: I have a model Lecture with some m2m fields in it, which I would like to dump using dumpdata. But whenever I call python manage.py dumpdata cms.lecture I get the following error CommandError: Unable to serialize database: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute …

Total answers: 1