
Django – Python: 'int' object has no attribute 'get'

Django – Python: 'int' object has no attribute 'get' Question: I am setting up a Django project to allow tickets to be sold for various theatre dates with a price for adults and a price for children. I have created a models.py and ticket_details.html. I am unfortunately receiving the following error: ‘int’ object has no …

Total answers: 1

How can an object be deleted if another one is emty?

How can an object be deleted if another one is emty? Question: So, I am a begginer coding an e-commerce project on Django. I’ve managed to add a "delete item"function to remove items from the cart. However, when the item is removed, the order isn’t. OrderItem and Order are 2 sepparate models, I’d like so …

Total answers: 2

How can a model be asigned to a User automatically?

How can a model be asigned to a User automatically? Question: So I am coding an e-commerce on Django in which in order to add items to cart, you need to be a customer. However, you log into the page as a user, which isnt the same. How can a customer be asigned to the …

Total answers: 1