
Measuring the width of a hot steel plate with OpenCV

Measuring the width of a hot steel plate with OpenCV Question: I want to measure the width along the green line in the image, I applied filters like canny via OpenCV but I guess the filter didn’t work (can’t show the edges) because of the very high temperature. My idea is to draw 2 vertical …

Total answers: 2

How can I contour low-contrast objects in python?

How can I contour low-contrast objects in python? Question: I am having difficulties contouring this type of low-contrast objects: Where I aim for an output such as: In the example above I used cv2.findContours with a code as the one below, but using a threshold value of 105 ret,thresh = cv.threshold(blur, 105, 255, 0). However, …

Total answers: 2

Edge detection on island structure image in python using OpenCV

Edge detection on island structure image in python using OpenCV Question: I am having some issues with image recognition in python. I am trying to find the area of the seperate islands in the following figure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GW6OCTMLtw9d8Opgtq3y4C5xshLP1siz/view?usp=sharing To find the area of all the islands separately I try to find the contours of the islands, …

Total answers: 1

Python rising/falling edge oscilloscope-like trigger

Python rising/falling edge oscilloscope-like trigger Question: I’m trying to detect rising and/or falling edges in a numpy vector, based on a trigger value. This is kinda like how oscilloscope triggering works. The numpy vector contains floating point values. The trigger itself is a floating point value. I would expect this to work as such: import …

Total answers: 2

How to convert from edges to contours in OpenCV

How to convert from edges to contours in OpenCV Question: I have been getting images like this after edge detection: I’d like it to connect the edges together into straight-line polygons. I thought this could be done using findCountours with chain approximation, but that doesn’t seem to be working well for me. How can I …

Total answers: 2