
Access an element in an XML file and edit them using python

Access an element in an XML file and edit them using python Question: I have a rather sizable xml file that needs to be edited. I am trying to automate the editing process using python. I tried using the ‘xml.etree.ElementTree’ library in python but it seems like I am missing something. Can someone help me …

Total answers: 1

Edit CSV file with Python

Edit CSV file with Python Question: I have a CSV that looks like this "String1","variablelengthstring1","No" "String2","variablelengthstring2","No" String1 and string2 does NOT contain the characters " or , variablelengthstring1 and variablelengthstring2 does NOT contain the characters " or , The output file should look like this String1 variablelengthstring1 String2 variablelengthstring2 So I want to remove the …

Total answers: 1

replacing certain substrings in lines of a text file

replacing certain substrings in lines of a text file Question: Similar questions to this question have been answered before. I want to replace particular substrings in lines of a text file. Based on the answers to similar questions, I came up with the following. with open(‘grammars.txt’, ‘r’) as file3: # read a list of lines …

Total answers: 2

Is there a quick way to decrease the indentation of multiple lines in Python?

Is there a quick way to decrease the indentation of multiple lines in Python? Question: I am a newbie to python programming. I find that decreasing the indentation of a block of codes in python is quite annoying. For example, given the following code snippet for i in range(density): if i < 5: x, y …

Total answers: 4