
How to create Python egg file

How to create Python egg file Question: I have questions about egg files in Python. I have much Python code organized by package and I’m trying to create egg files. I’m following instructions, but they are very common. According to that, it seems I need to have a file. Would you please tell me …

Total answers: 3

Python packages and egg-info directories

Python packages and egg-info directories Question: Can someone explain how egg-info directories are tied to their respective modules? For example, I have the following: /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/quodlibet/ /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/quodlibet-2.0.egg-info/ I’m assuming the egg-info directory is to make the corresponding module visible to setuptools (easy_install), right? If so, how does setuptools tie the egg-info directory to the module directory? …

Total answers: 1