
How to add icons or emoji in django admin buttons

How to add icons or emoji in django admin buttons Question: So I have some buttons in django admin and I need to add something like that: ⬅️➡️↩️↪️ to my admin buttons, but I have 0 idea how to do this and I feel like I am the first ever person to ask that question …

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Send a random string containing an emoji from a list using send_keys in Selenium

Send a random text containing an emoji from a list using send_keys in Selenium Question: I’m trying to send a message using send_keys() by picking a random item containing an emoji from a list: gm = [ ‘Good morning ‘, ‘Good morning ☀️’, ‘Good morning ⛅’, ‘Good morning ‘, ‘Good morning ‘, ‘Good morning ‘, …

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Streamlit – Cannot repeat emoji string using st.write()

Streamlit – Cannot repeat emoji string using st.write() Question: Summary: Normally to repeat a string in python, you’d use (string * n) where n = number of times to repeat. In Streamlit you have the ability to print emoji using corresponding shortcodes in st.write(). I’ve been able to use st.write(emoji1, emoji2, emoji3) to print emoji …

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Is there another URL link to react to discord messages?

Is there another URL link to react to discord messages? Question: I am trying to react discord server messages with emoji automatically. I am python code to do this: import requests import emoji headers = { "authorization": token } em = emoji.emojize(‘:thumbs_up:’) r=requests.put(f"https://discord.com/api/v10/channels/{server_ID}/messages/{channel_ID}/reactions/{em}/%40me", headers=headers) print(r.status_code) The code is from here: Token, channel id and server …

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AttributeError: module 'emoji' has no attribute 'get_emoji_regexp'

AttributeError: module 'emoji' has no attribute 'get_emoji_regexp' Question: This is the code I’m using in Google Colab import re from textblob import TextBlob import emoji def clean_tweet(text): text = re.sub(r’@[A-Za-z0-9]+’, ”, str(text)) # remove @mentions text = re.sub(r’#’, ”, str(text)) # remove the ‘#’ symbol text = re.sub(r’RT[s]+’, ”, str(text)) # remove RT text = …

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How to load colorful emojis in pygame?

How to load colorful emojis in pygame? Question: I want to use Pygame’s freetype module to load a colorful emoji via its unicode. Unfortunately I only get a monochrome image with the outline of the emoji: Minimal, Reproducible Example: import pygame import pygame.freetype pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((200, 200)) seguisy80 = pygame.freetype.SysFont("segoeuisymbol", 100) emoji, rect = …

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Add role when react to emoji discord.py

Add role when react to emoji discord.py Question: im trying to add a role when the user react to this emojis but i cant get Setup Roles @bot.command() async def roles(ctx): global IDMessage reaction = await ctx.reply("Select your Game" + ‘n’ + ‘n’ + "- Valorant ‍♀️" ‘n’ + "- World of Warcraft ⚔" + …

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How to decode Unicode escape sequence emojis encoded as uXXXX?

How to decode Unicode escape sequence emojis encoded as uXXXX? Question: I am trying to use python to sort through my downloaded Instagram data, the data is a json file, but emoji and other non-text characters are encoded in a way I do not understand, for example: The json file will contain: u00e2u009cu008cu00f0u009fu0096u00a4u00f0u009fu008du0095u00f0u009fu008eu00b6u00f0u009fu00a4u00af. Which on …

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How to display colored emojis in tkinter?

How to display colored emojis in tkinter? Question: Is there any way to display colored emojis in tkinter? Here’s the code: from tkinter import * import pyperclip root = Tk() def copy(): pyperclip.copy(button[‘text’]) print("Copied!") button = Button(root , text = " " , font = "arial 70" , command = copy) button.pack() mainloop() When I …

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Python pandas: Remove emojis from DataFrame

Python pandas: Remove emojis from DataFrame Question: I have a dataframe which contains a lot of different emojis and I want to remove them. I looked at answers to similar questions but they didn’t work for me. index| messages —————- 1 |Hello! 2 |Good Morning 3 |How are you ? 4 | Good 5 | …

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