
Getting UnicodeDecodeError when converting a InMemoryUploadedFile to Google MediaUpload

Getting UnicodeDecodeError when converting a InMemoryUploadedFile to Google MediaUpload Question: I am looking for your assistance with the following situation: I am building a Django Application and I am orchestrating the instance on Google App Engine, Once your Google App Engine instance it’s running it will enter into a "readonly" mode, and therefore Django can …

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What is the encoding of CompletedProcess.stdout coming from Powershell/Windows in Python?

What is the encoding of CompletedProcess.stdout coming from Powershell/Windows in Python? Question: I am getting this output from a ping request started from Python with subprocess.run(): >>> process.stdout b"rnEnvoi d’une requx88te ‘ping’ sur www.google.fr [] avec 32 octets de donnx82esxff:rnRx82ponse de octets=32 temps=39 ms TTL=110rnRx82ponse de octets=32 temps=46 ms TTL=110rnRx82ponse de octets=32 …

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Scrapy response is an Invalid/Unknown String

Scrapy response is an Invalid/Unknown String Question: Good day, I’m having some issues with a scrapy script I wrote. The code works perfectly on my local machine, but when I run it on an ubuntu server, I’m getting response like this cx00�^x00@6Us�e�yV�x17~J��’x1d$B2c�����5��F8x10��M#[�(nxm��C���p�x05R [��x00x02v`,/�x00��˛��Pv�p+ �1rgq�p��x15��x18�/��x01mQ Response code is ok. But the text is the above unreadable …

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__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'handle_unknown'

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'handle_unknown' Question: I’m trying to Ordinal Encode my categorical features using sklearn, but I get the error __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘handle_unknown’ when I compile the below code: oe_l = OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown =’use_encoded_value’,unknown_value = -1) oe_y = OrdinalEncoder(handle_unknown =’use_encoded_value’, unknown_value = -1) oe_l.fit(train_d[‘Language’]) oe_y.fit(train_d[‘Year’]) train_d[‘Language’] = oe_l.transform(train_d[‘Language’]) test_d[‘Language’] …

Total answers: 3

How to get subprocess output and maintain encoding

How to get subprocess output and maintain encoding Question: I am most likely missing some really easy, but I can’t wrap my head around why what seems to work for everyone else doesnt work for me. Goal: I want to run shell commands with native output in non-english characters, capture the output in a variable …

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Convert "x" escaped string into readable string in python

Convert "x" escaped string into readable string in python Question: Is there a way to convert a x escaped string like "\xe8\xaa\x9e\xe8\xa8\x80" into readable form: "語言"? >>> a = "\xe8\xaa\x9e\xe8\xa8\x80" >>> print(a) xe8xaax9exe8xa8x80 I am aware that there is a similar question here, but it seems the solution is only for latin characters. How can …

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Pandas DataFrame doesn't have the entire data and uses three dots instead

Pandas DataFrame doesn't have the entire data and uses three dots instead Question: Got this .txt file Dia Precio marginal en el sistema español (EUR/MWh) Precio marginal en el sistema portugués (EUR/MWh) Energía total de compra sistema español (MWh) Energía total de venta sistema español (MWh) Energía total de compra sistema portugués (MWh) Energía total …

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How can I base64 encode using a custom letter set?

How can I base64 encode using a custom letter set? Question: I am trying to base64 encode using a custom character set in python3. Most of the examples I have seen in SO are related to Python 2, so I had to make some minor adjustments to the code. The issue that I am facing …

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How to pass Encoded Audio String to bytes with json?

How to pass Encoded Audio String to bytes with json? Question: I have been trying to implement the below shell code with python. I am about to make use of deepaffects speaker identification api . So before its’s use i need to enroll the audio file with user id , in their docs there is …

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convert io.StringIO to io.BytesIO

convert io.StringIO to io.BytesIO Question: original question: i got a StringIO object, how can i convert it into BytesIO? update: The more general question is, how to convert a binary (encoded) file-like object into decoded file-like object in python3? the naive approach i got is: import io sio = io.StringIO(‘wello horld’) bio = io.BytesIO(sio.read().encode(‘utf8’)) print(bio.read()) …

Total answers: 6