
How can I programmatically build a string containing escaped characters to pass as an argument to a function in Python?

How can I programmatically build a string containing escaped characters to pass as an argument to a function in Python? Question: I am trying to build the string below programatically: string0 = ‘case when "LETTER" in (‘a’,’b’) then "LETTER" else ‘other letter’ end’ I do: a_list = [‘a’,’b’] string = ‘(\”+’\’,\”.join(a_list)+’\’)’ string2 = ‘case when …

Total answers: 5

Escaping a Linux path in Python without quotes, the correct way

Escaping a Linux path in Python without quotes, the correct way Question: I’m seeing a large amount of answers on here to this question that are blatantly incorrect or are partially correct but don’t account for any variances outside of a small scope. here is my path: "/home/user/text/Chapter 1-100" In bash/zsh I can hit tab …

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How to deal with escape characters with JSON loads?

How to deal with escape characters with JSON loads? Question: search = """ [{"text":"Dolores Keane – "Craigie Hills" (1982)"}] """ print(loads(search)) # Returns Error print(search.replace(‘"’,"’")) # Turns all double quotes to single quotes, both the escaped and non escaped ones Here’s my issues: I just don’t know how to load this sort of strings into …

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How to tell python that a string is actually bytes-object? Not converting

How to tell python that a string is actually bytes-object? Not converting Question: I have a txt file which contains a line: ‘ 6: "\351\231\220\346\227\266\345\205\215\350\264\271"’ The contents in the double quotes is actually octal encoding, but with two escape characters. After the line has been read in, I used regex to extract the contents in …

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How to pass an escape slash to

How to pass an escape slash to Question: Trying to run command this from a Python script: gh api "/search/code?q=somecode" –jq ".items[] | { "file": .path, "repo": .repository["full_name"] } " by way of: output = [ ‘gh’, f’api "/search/code?q={CODE}"’, ‘–jq ".items[] | {{ "file": .path, "repo": .repository[{}] }} "’.format(‘\"full_name\"’) ]) to no avail. …

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How do I avoid functions to read escape characters?

How do I avoid functions to read escape characters? Question: I have a list string that depicts directory paths, e.g.: | ‘directory path’ | |:—————-:| |’c:\windows\g\subfolder1’| |’c:\windows\g\subfolder2’| |’etc’ | The string is perfectly valid and when I print them they come out naturally as: print(dir_list[0]) dir_list[0] c:windowsgsubfolder Out[1]: ‘c:\windows\g\subfolder1’ However, when I use the string …

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python fnmatch.fnmatch("[seq]") escape not working

python fnmatch.fnmatch("[seq]") escape not working Question: According to the, "[seq]" should be escaped by the backslash. However, when i run the same code, i have different result like bellow I need to detect the string contains the "[" and "]". So, my solution is to change "[seq]" to the "{seq}" on both string and …

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PyCharm deletes quotation marks in paramenter field

PyCharm deletes quotation marks in paramenter field Question: I want to set a parameter for a python script by using the parameter field in PyCharm. My config: But the command in the Run console is: python3 ‘{app_id: picoballoon_network, dev_id: ferdinand_8c … and so on and not: python3 ‘{"app_id": "picoballoon_network", "dev_id": "ferdinand_8c" … and …

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Convert a string into unicode escape sequences

Convert a string into unicode escape sequences Question: How can I convert a string so that each character is replaced with the corresponding Unicode escape sequence? Something like: def unicode_escape(s): """How do I write this?""" print(unicode_escape("Hello, World!n")) # should print u0048u0065u006Cu006Cu006Fu002Cu0020… Asked By: Monolith || Source Answers: The ord() function returns the Unicode code point …

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In Python, how can you write the string String = "s"?

In Python, how can you write the string String = "s"? Question: Why does: B = “The” + “s” and B = “The” + r”s” yield: “The\s” Is it possible to write the above, such that the output string is: “Thes” I have read similar questions on both the issue of backslashes, and their property …

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