
How do I evaluate a Sympy function in Python?

How do I evaluate a Sympy function in Python? Question: I am facing a major issues in python using sympy. I didn’t find any solutions to my problem or at least, I couldn’t apply the solutions I found on my problem. import sympy as sp import math as ma import numpy as np E1=72500 A1=15 …

Total answers: 1

Proper way to define a matrix using pyomo's sets

Proper way to define a matrix using pyomo's sets Question: I have been given a pyomo deterministic optimization model which I have transformed in a stochastic one using stochastic colocation methods. However, I am having issues to save the output. I have defined the number of stochastic nodes (number of values of the state variables) …

Total answers: 2

Model Evaluate in Keras

Model Evaluate in Keras Question: I am training a model to perform a binary classification through Keras. After my model is trained, I tried evaluate it, like this: # Evaluate the model print(‘Evaluate on test data’) loss, acc = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=2) print(‘Test loss: %.4f’ % loss) print(‘Test accuracy: %.4f’ % acc) And I got …

Total answers: 1