
Trigger action when manually stopping Python script

Trigger action when manually stopping Python script Question: I was searching for quite some time but I was unable to find a simple solution. I have a python script that runs indefinitely and saves some files when a condition is met (enough data gathered). Is there a way to terminate the execution of the script …

Total answers: 1

frame type in python

frame type in python Question: In a python reference manual said that A code block is executed in an execution frame. A frame contains some administrative information (used for debugging) and determines where and how execution continues after the code block’s execution has completed. and Frame objects represent execution frames. They may occur in traceback …

Total answers: 2

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

How to stop/terminate a python script from running? Question: I wrote a program in IDLE to tokenize text files and it starts to tokeniza 349 text files! How can I stop it? How can I stop a running Python program? Asked By: MACEE || Source Answers: To stop your program, just press Control + C. …

Total answers: 17

How to execute Python inline from a bash shell

How to execute Python inline from a bash shell Question: Is there a Python argument to execute code from the shell without starting up an interactive interpreter or reading from a file? Something similar to: perl -e ‘print “Hi”‘ Asked By: Sean || Source Answers: This works: python -c ‘print("Hi")’ Hi From the manual, man …

Total answers: 4