
How can I POST a JSON to an Express server with python module "requests"?

How can I POST a JSON to an Express server with python module "requests"? Question: So, I’m trying to post a JSON to a Node.JS server running Express with Python using the "requests" module. I’ve made a lot of tries, all of them failed. Closest I got was this: Server code: const fs = require(‘fs’); …

Total answers: 2

how to control max length of colum names graph in plotly dash

how to control max length of colum names graph in plotly dash Question: i have a code like that import as px df ="continent == ‘Europe’ and year == 2007 and pop > 2.e6") fig =, y=’pop’, x=’country’, text=’pop’) fig.update_traces(texttemplate=’%{text:.2s}’, textposition=’outside’) fig.update_layout(uniformtext_minsize=8, uniformtext_mode=’hide’) and it builds me this diagram how to …

Total answers: 1

Exchanging data between Python Telethon library and Node.js

Exchanging data between Python Telethon library and Node.js Question: I faced such a problem: in my small test app I have simple node.js (express) server and python script, which allows me to interact with Telegram API using Telethon library. In my scenario I have to provide my python script a phone number and a password. …

Total answers: 1

Running a python file on the button click in Node JS

Running a python file on the button click in Node JS Question: I am trying to run a python file (which is actually running a Deep learning model) on a button click using Node JS. I am trying to achieve this using input form in html and routes in index.js file. But this is causing …

Total answers: 1

Why Isn't My NodeJS Post Request Working? (From Django)

Why Isn't My NodeJS Post Request Working? (From Django) Question: I am trying to send a request that I’m receiving in my Django view to my expressjs api on the same server and I am either getting 500 errors or empty response bodies on the express end. Here is my express.js code: var express = …

Total answers: 2