
Fortran argument must be Allocatable in Python F2PY

Fortran argument must be Allocatable in Python F2PY Question: I am currently trying to compile Fortran scripts in the Python command terminal into Python modules using the numpy.f2py function as displayed below: python -m numpy.f2py -c -m matching_pairs Matching_Pairs_V2.F90 –fcompiler=gnu95 –compiler=mingw32 It works fine for two other Fortran scripts and I am able to import …

Total answers: 1

Tell f2py to skip a function

Tell f2py to skip a function Question: I am using f2py to compile a Fortran library such that I can import it in python so that I can easily create unit tests. However, one of the functions in the module uses an allocatable array to read a matrix from a file (the size of the …

Total answers: 2