
Facebook Marketing API Ads Insights to CSV in Python

Facebook Marketing API Ads Insights to CSV in Python Question: How to export the response of Facebook Marketing API Ads insights to CSV. Below are my code and the response from it. from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi from facebook_business.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount app_id = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’ app_secret = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’ access_token = ‘xxxxxxxxx’ FacebookAdsApi.init(app_id, app_secret, access_token) params = {‘time_range’: …

Total answers: 1

Overcoming Rate Limiting in Facebook Marketing API

Overcoming Rate Limiting in Facebook Marketing API Question: Specifically, I’m trying to do something very similar to this question (with the same problem): FB Ads API (#17) User request limit reached However, I’m trying to do this in python (and the API has changed quite a bit since ’15). Here’s my code (and it kicks …

Total answers: 5