
Can't install FFMPEG using pip

Can't install FFMPEG using pip Question: I tried to install ffmpeg using pip like this pip install ffmpeg However I got the following error: Collecting ffmpeg Using cached ffmpeg-1.4.tar.gz (5.1 kB) Preparing metadata (setup.py) … error error: subprocess-exited-with-error × python setup.py egg_info did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [34 lines of output] …

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How to listen to and decode an RTMP video stream with Python

How to listen to and decode an RTMP video stream with Python Question: How can I listen to and decode an RTMP video stream with Python? Such as with the ffmpeg command ffmpeg -listen 1 -i rtmp://localhost:1935/live/app I tried this: import av container = av.open(‘rtmp://localhost:1935/live/app’,listen=True) for frame in container.decode(video=0): frame = frame.to_ndarray(format=’bgr24′) …do some thing …

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How to create a clip from an mp4-file quickly?

How to create a clip from an mp4-file quickly? Question: I have a web app that lets users download a clip from a mp4-file specified before. Currently I use ffmpeg via python like this: os.system(‘ffmpeg -i original_video -ss {start} -t {duration} result_video’) Processing 10 minutes of 720p video with this method also takes a few …

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How to gracefully terminate ffmpeg process alongside with ffprobe process?

How to gracefully terminate ffmpeg process alongside with ffprobe process? Question: I was able to terminate ffmpeg process gracefully when it’s the only ongoing process. Now I also have ffprobe process alongside with ffmpeg process that tracks the progress of the ffmpeg process. It throws the following exception when I try to cancel the process. …

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Error: Unable to extract uploader id – Youtube, Discord.py

Error: Unable to extract uploader id – Youtube, Discord.py Question: I have a veary powerfull bot in discord (discord.py, PYTHON) and it can play music in voice channels. It gets the music from youtube (youtube_dl). It worked perfectly before but now it dosn’t wanna work with any video. I tried updataing youtube_dl but it still …

Total answers: 9

Creating video from images using PyAV

Creating video from images using PyAV Question: I am trying to write a function that creates a new MP4 video from a set of frames taken from another video. The frames will be given in PIL.Image format and is often cropped to include only a part of the input video, but all images will have …

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How can I get time of a frame with opencv or others?

How can I get time of a frame with opencv or others? Question: I need to process the video and register some events, in order to do this I iterate over all frames and get that information, but I need to know the second in the video where that frame appears. Currently, I am using …

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Is there a way to stop ffmpeg from combining mp4s at max mp4 size?

Is there a way to stop ffmpeg from combining mp4s at max mp4 size? Question: I am merging 64 gigs of mp4s together, though ffmpeg will go past the file size limit and corrupt it. Is there a way to stop ffmpeg at a 100 hour mark and create another file, resume, then repeat until …

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How do I use ffmpeg library in Python on Android with Pydroid?

How do I use ffmpeg library in Python on Android with Pydroid? Question: I’m trying to run the following code that uses the ffmpeg library on the app Pydroid 3: import subprocess # Video path video_path = ‘/storage/emulated/0/Download/video.mp4’ # Output SRT file path srt_path = ‘/storage/emulated/0/Download/subtitles.srt’ # Run ffmpeg command subprocess.run([‘ffmpeg’, ‘-i’, video_path, ‘-map’, ‘0:s:0’, …

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