
Read image from a file using OpenCV

Read image from a file using OpenCV Question: I want to convert PNG type flowchart to the graph by using Graphviz Python Package. Here I have already installed relevant packages by using pip install opencv-python pytesseract graphviz After I created a python file. import cv2 import pytesseract import graphviz pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r’C:Program FilesTesseract-OCRtesseract.exe’ # Replace …

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How to get the correct path to a json file from the customtkinter module

How to get the correct path to a json file from the customtkinter module Question: I made my GUI using customtkinter. I used auto-py-to-exe to make it an file. The exe file doesn’t open because of an theme json file missing error. The path to the correct file is /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/customtkinter/assets/themes/blue.json. It caused this error when …

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Visual Studio Code: FileNotFoundError. Execute in File Dir broken, and unable to access file's absolute path

Visual Studio Code: FileNotFoundError. Execute in File Dir broken, and unable to access file's absolute path Question: I am trying to open a CSV file without using its absolute path, but I cannot access it because my files are located in /Users/foo/Machine Learning/Multiple Linear Regression/, which is a child of my working directory /Users/foo/Machine Learning/Machine …

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Why does adding multiprocessing prevent python from finding my compiled c program?

Why does adding multiprocessing prevent python from finding my compiled c program? Question: I am currently looking to speed up my code using the power of multiprocessing. However I am encountering some issues when it comes to calling the compiled code from python, as it seems that the compiled file disappears from the code’s view …

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Python FileNotFoundError how to handle long filenames

Python FileNotFoundError how to handle long filenames Question: I have a weird problem. I can neither rename specific files, nor remove them. I get the FileNotFoundError. Similar questions have been asked before. The solution to this problem was using a full path and not just the filename. My script worked before using only the filenames, …

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FileNotFoundError When file exists (when created in current script)

FileNotFoundError When file exists (when created in current script) Question: I am trying to create a secure (e.g., SSL/HTTPS) XML-RPC Client Server. The client-server part works perfectly when the required certificates are present on my system; however, when I try to create the certificates during execution, I receive a FileNotFoundError when opening the ssl-wrapped socket …

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How do I raise a FileNotFoundError properly?

How do I raise a FileNotFoundError properly? Question: I use a third-party library that’s fine but does not handle inexistant files the way I would like. When giving it a non-existant file, instead of raising the good old FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘nothing.txt’ it raises some obscure message: OSError: Syntax error …

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Python raising FileNotFoundError for file name returned by os.listdir

Python raising FileNotFoundError for file name returned by os.listdir Question: I was trying to iterate over the files in a directory like this: import os path = r’E:/somedir’ for filename in os.listdir(path): f = open(filename, ‘r’) … # process the file But Python was throwing FileNotFoundError even though the file exists: Traceback (most recent call …

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