
What could be the problem in To-do app using Streamlit in Python?

What could be the problem in To-do app using Streamlit in Python? Question: import streamlit as st import get_todos todos = get_todos.getTodos() def add_todos(): todo1 = st.session_state["new_todo"] + "n" todos.append(todo1) get_todos.writeTodos(todos) st.title("My TO-DO App") … def getTodos(): with open("docs.txt", "r") as file: data = file.readlines() return data def writeTodos(adder): with open("docs.txt", "w") as …

Total answers: 1

I did it by the tutorial and it's not working

I did it by the tutorial and it's not working Question: I found some projects on youtube, and this is one of them. I’m trying with the password manager program. Here’s the link: And here’s my code: from cryptography.fernet import Fernet ”’ def write_key(): key = Fernet.generate_key() with open("key.key", "wb") as key_file: key_file.write(key)”’ def …

Total answers: 1

Problem with compiling a hikari discord bot to an exe

Problem with compiling a hikari discord bot to an exe Question: Recently, I have tried to compile a hikari discord bot to an exe (because many computers may not have a python interpreter installed), I tried pyinstaller, py2exe and autopytoexe though none of them worked. When I ran the exe they all returned the same …

Total answers: 2