
How to print out all values in dictionary using for loop

How to print out all values in dictionary using for loop Question: Hello I am trying to print out all values of an object from Firebase in Python but instead , it prints only the first value @app.route(‘/get_racer’,methods=[‘GET’] ) data = db.(“child”).get() for x in data.each(): print(x.val() ) Asked By: Kevin Fiadzeawu || Source Answers: …

Total answers: 1

Python Realtime Database (Google Firebase) sending Integer instead of JSON file to servers

Python Realtime Database (Google Firebase) sending Integer instead of JSON file to servers Question: While coding in python in many projects, I’ve encountered the error of firebase’s RealTime Database sending an integer instead of the json file. I’ve checked and I’ve imported the JSON packages, loaded the correct files (etc) Here is the following code: …

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Check if entry exists in Firebase Realtime Databse (Python)

Check if entry exists in Firebase Realtime Databse (Python) Question: I am currently trying to retrieve login information from my Realtime DB in Firebase. As an example, I want to detect whether the provided username already exists in the db. Here is a code snippet I’m attemping to work with. ref.child("Users").order_by_child("Username").equal_to("Hello").get() It does not however …

Total answers: 1

Could not find a working python interpreter. Unity, Firebase

Could not find a working python interpreter. Unity, Firebase Question: Could not find a working python interpreter. Please make sure one of the following is in your PATH: python python3 python3.8 python3.7 python2.7 python2 I installed python 3.10.4 Path is set in environment variables. Still not working. Asked By: Prathvi || Source Answers: It is …

Total answers: 3

List all users from Firebase Authentication

List all users from Firebase Authentication Question: I am currently using the Pyrebase wrapper to get information (such as their email and created date) of all users. I tried looking through the documentation and cross reference it to Pyrebase documentation however i don’t seem to get what i’m looking for. Currently i have tried this: …

Total answers: 2