
Preventing "Warning Potential Security Risk Ahead" in selenium python Firefox

Preventing "Warning Potential Security Risk Ahead" in selenium python Firefox Question: So when using selenium python with firefox I need to prevent this: This is what I have already tried profile = webdriver.FirefoxOptions() profile.accept_insecure_certs = True profile.accept_untrusted_certs = True firefox = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=utils.str_master_dir(‘geckodriver.exe’), options=profile) … Any help would be appreciated thanks. Asked By: Ari Frid || …

Total answers: 1

Selenium get_attribute("id")

Selenium get_attribute("id") Question: I am scraping in Python using Selenium and Firefox. I am able to get my href’s into an object using the following: HREF = node.find_elements_by_xpath(".//a") # Get the href’s under the current node Which returns a bunch of <a> tags that look like this: <a href="" class="" title="The Link" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="" data-ipshover-timeout="1.5" …

Total answers: 1

Adding second instance of Firefox with Marionette (change port)

Adding second instance of Firefox with Marionette (change port) Question: I’m having great difficulties creating two instances of firefox via marionette. Having one instance works fine: Starting up Firefox with marionette enabled: firefox.exe -marionette Controlling it with python: from marionette import Marionette client = Marionette(‘localhost’, port=2828) client.start_session() client.execute_script(“alert(‘o hai there!’);”) Now I’d like to add …

Total answers: 2