
python : disable download popup when using firefox with selenium

python : disable download popup when using firefox with selenium Question: I have script that using selenium and firefox to automating download action. The problem is whenever I run script I always get pop up from firefox keep asking what kinds of action I would like to do, even though I set download path in …

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Selenium – MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException with Firefox

Selenium – MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException with Firefox Question: I’v got problem with function move_to_element on Firefox Webdriver (Chrome, IE works well) driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.get(“”) time.sleep(5) source_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(‘//*[@id=”footer”]/div/ul/li[1]/a’) ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(source_element).perform() I am working with these versions: geckodriver – 0.17.0 // Firefox – 54.0 // selenium – 3.4.3 After running this script, on output shows: selenium.common.exceptions.MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException: Message: (134.96666717529297, …

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Click button by find_element_by_class_name not working python selenium webdriver NOT working

Click button by find_element_by_class_name not working python selenium webdriver NOT working Question: I’m trying to add contacts on LinkedIn using Python and Selenium. I’m attempting to do so by adding the contact suggestions made by LinkedIn in the “Network” tab (, which has an infinite scroll feature. Basically I want the script to locate the …

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Selenium using Python – Geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH

Selenium using Python – Geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH Question: I am going over Sweigart’s Automate the Boring Stuff with Python text. I’m using IDLE and already installed the Selenium module and the Firefox browser. Whenever I tried to run the webdriver function, I get this: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Firefox() …

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Adding second instance of Firefox with Marionette (change port)

Adding second instance of Firefox with Marionette (change port) Question: I’m having great difficulties creating two instances of firefox via marionette. Having one instance works fine: Starting up Firefox with marionette enabled: firefox.exe -marionette Controlling it with python: from marionette import Marionette client = Marionette(‘localhost’, port=2828) client.start_session() client.execute_script(“alert(‘o hai there!’);”) Now I’d like to add …

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How to open console in firefox python selenium?

How to open console in firefox python selenium? Question: Im trying to open firefox console through Selenium with Python. How can I open firefox console with python selenium? Is it possible to send keys to the driver or something like that? Asked By: patricmj || Source Answers: This works: ActionChains(driver).key_down(Keys.F12).key_up(Keys.F12).perform() Without firebug installed at least …

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Can't turn off images in Selenium / Firefox

Can't turn off images in Selenium / Firefox Question: I am looking to disable images in Firefox when using Selenium. It should be a simple update of the preferences in firefox, which is documented on the instructions on Disable images in Selenium Python However when i run, images display, and when i enter about:config, the …

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How to set the path to a browser executable with python webbrowser

How to set the path to a browser executable with python webbrowser Question: I am trying to build a utility function to output beautiful soup code to a browser I have the following code: def bs4_to_browser(bs4Tag): import os import webbrowser html= str(bs4Tag) # html = ‘<html> … generated html string …</html>’ path = os.path.abspath(‘temp.html’) url …

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Setting path to firefox binary on windows with selenium webdriver

Setting path to firefox binary on windows with selenium webdriver Question: I am trying to build a utility function to output beautiful soup code to a browser I have the following code: def bs4_to_browser(data): from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Firefox(path=”F:FirefoxPortableFirefox.exe”) driver.get(“about:blank”) data = ‘<h1>test</h1>’ # supposed to come from BeautifulSoup driver.execute_script(‘document.body.innerHTML = “{html}”;’.format(html=data)) return …

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Downloading file to specified location with Selenium and python

Downloading file to specified location with Selenium and python Question: Ok so far i have my programing going to the website i want to download link from and selecting it, then the firefox dialogue box shows up and i don’t know what to do. i want to save this file to a folder on my …

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