
ValueError: Error code 'I2041' supplied to 'ignore' option does not match '^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]{0,3}$'

ValueError: Error code 'I2041' supplied to 'ignore' option does not match '^[A-Z]{1,3}[0-9]{0,3}$' Question: Upon importing this flake8 plugin flake8-import-restrictions==1.1.1, I’ve notice this error appeared. I tried ignoring it by adding it to my setup.cfg file ignore option as shown below. [isort] force_single_line=True ensure_newline_before_comments = True single_line_exclusions=[] line_length = 100 src_paths = myproject,tests skip= .gitignore, .env …

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How can I split a for statement over multiple lines with Flake8?

How can I split a for statement over multiple lines with Flake8? Question: I am currently trying to write a for statement that is over 80 characters long. for i, (expected, actual) in enumerate(zip_longest(self.__lines, lines)): … # Note that the line above is 73 characters long. It becomes 81 # characters long once you put …

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How to raise flake8 error when found particular string in whole project.?

How to raise flake8 error when found particular string in whole project.? Question: When I run flake8 . command I want to raise flake8 error if "print_queries" string is present anywhere in project files checked into VCS (and not excluded). Here’s my flake8 configuration: [flake8] exclude = .venv, migrations, scaffoldapp max-line-length = 130 per-file-ignores = …

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Satisfy flake8 using the following example

Satisfy flake8 using the following example Question: I have a very simple expression below. I am checking each character of a password to ensure it has at least one of the below special characters. However, Flake8 registers the example as bad. How can I address this within Flake8? W605 invalid escape sequence ‘!’ W605 invalid …

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flake8's "# noqa" interferes with markdown using mkdocstrings

flake8's "# noqa" interferes with markdown using mkdocstrings Question: I am using mkdocstrings in order automatically generate an API documentation from my Python functions. At the same time I am using flake8 to keep my code in good shape. If you want to ignore some flake8 warnings on an in-line basis, you could insert "# …

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Flake8 – line break before binary operator – how to fix it?

Flake8 – line break before binary operator – how to fix it? Question: I keep getting: W503 line break before binary operator Please help me fix my code, as I can’t figure out what is wrong here: def check_actionable(self, user_name, op, changes_table): return any(user_name in row.inner_text() and row.query_selector( self.OPS[op]) is not None and row.query_selector(self.DISABLED) is …

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How can I enforce inheritance in my Django models?

How can I enforce inheritance in my Django models? Question: In my Django app, I have an abstract model called MyModel that has e.g. created_at and updated_at fields. I want all the models in my project to subclass MyModel rather than using django.db.models.Model directly. We have several developers on our app, so I want to …

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Ignoring a line for pylint and Flake8 at the same time

How to suppress a warning in one line for pylint and Flake8 at the same time Question: I would like to ignore a specific line in static code analysis. For Flake8, I’d use the syntax # noqa: F401. For pylint, I’d use the syntax # pylint: disable=unused-import. As I am working on a code generation …

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Getting flake8 most critical errors on big python codebase

Getting flake8 most critical errors on big python codebase Question: Given a large Python 3.6 codebase deployed in GitLab with lots of "minor" violations with flake8 (e.g. stylistic violations), I would like to first find the most serious violations (e.g. variable may be undefined, name not found…). The idea is to avoid being overwhelmed with …

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Auto format flake8 linting errors in VSCode

Auto format flake8 linting errors in VSCode Question: I’m using the flake8 linter for Python and I have many code formats issues like blank line contains whitespace flake8(W293) I’m trying to auto fix these linting issues. I have these settings: "python.linting.enabled": true, "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true, "python.linting.lintOnSave": true, "python.linting.flake8Args": [ "–ignore=E501", ], "editor.formatOnSave": true I’m using the …

Total answers: 2