
How can I trigger Alexa intent with clicks rather than voice?

How can I trigger Alexa intent with clicks rather than voice? Question: I am working on a flask app that links to Alexa skills. I am trying to building a capability when a user click on some content (e.g. notifications), Alexa asks if the user wish to proceed, if the user says ‘yes’, then Alexa …

Total answers: 1

Alexa Flask Ask Yes / No response handling

Alexa Flask Ask Yes / No response handling Question: I am trying to create a simple Alexa skill using Flask Ask in python. I have an intent called "SearchIntent" with a "searchterm" slot and the python code looks something like this: @ask.intent("SearchIntent") def SearchIntent(searchterm): resList = [] searchterm = searchterm.lower() for item in somelist: if …

Total answers: 1