
Python 3.x/Flask – Using Cloudwatch handler throws CORS error when login in

Python 3.x/Flask – Using Cloudwatch handler throws CORS error when login in Question: I’m working on a project that uses flask w/ python 3.10 and react. Everything works fine, but the logs were a local file and we decided to move it to Cloudwatch. Wrote the code, changed the loguru sink, everything seemed ok, It …

Total answers: 1

Fetch Request in Jinjia Include getting CORS Error

Fetch Request in Jinjia Include getting CORS Error Question: So I have a site that is using Flask for the Front and Backend with Jinja templates. Currently testing with localhost (5000 is the backend and 8000 is for the frontend) the page in question main.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> …

Total answers: 2