
How can I switch the focus between toplevels of a tkinter program?

How can I switch the focus between toplevels of a tkinter program? Question: I am using key-accelerators for menu entries in a multi window program. But when an accelerator-key is pressed, then always the same window reacts to the key. As you can see in my example code, I tried to change the focus by …

Total answers: 1

How can I intercept when a widget loses its focus

How can I intercept when a widget loses its focus Question: I have a QPlainTextEdit and want to process the content when it loses focus. I’ve seen that I can either do this with the focusChanged event or with the focusOutEvent virtual function. I don’t know how to pass parameters with the new syntax (i.e. …

Total answers: 1

How to make a Tkinter window jump to the front?

How to make a Tkinter window jump to the front? Question: How do I get a Tkinter application to jump to the front? Currently, the window appears behind all my other windows and doesn’t get focus. Is there some method I should be calling? Asked By: nathan || Source Answers: Assuming you mean your application …

Total answers: 12