
Using custom icons for multiple locations with Folium and Pandas

Using custom icons for multiple locations with Folium and Pandas Question: I am trying to iterate over a pandas dataframe to plot multiple geolocations on a Folium map using custom icons as markers instead of the default one. First I create a pandas dataframe as follows: # dependencies import folium import pandas as pd from …

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i want to use icon that icon_image1 = 'hci.png' in folium

i want to use icon that icon_image1 = 'hci.png' in folium Question: icon_image = ‘hci.png’ icon = CustomIcon( icon_image, icon_size=(75, 95), icon_anchor=(10, 30), ) from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster import folium from folium.features import CustomIcon mm = folium.Map( location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=15 ) coords = sub_df[[‘Latitude’, ‘Longitude’]] marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(mm) for lat, long in zip(coords[‘Latitude’], coords[‘Longitude’]): folium.Marker([lat, …

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How to display multiple dataset informations on Folium map?

How to display multiple dataset informations on Folium map? Question: I would like to display informations from 2 distinct databases "df" and "df3" on folium. When I launch my following code, I only obtain the information from "df" database but do not see "df3". Then, I would like to know if I’ve missed a specific …

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How do I explore a map without deleting everything in Streamlit-Folium?

How do I explore a map without deleting everything in Streamlit-Folium? Question: I’m using streamlit-folium to visualize a map in Streamlit and let the user select a custom number of points. The map has a default starting point but in my wish the user can explore the map with the help of a search bar. …

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geopandas .explore – How to set marker icon?

geopandas .explore – How to set marker icon? Question: I want to change the icon of the marker in .explore to a house icon. I have read the documentation of geopandas.GeoDataFrame.explore and folium, still not able to understand it. geo_df.explore(m=m ,column=’pop’ ,tooltip={"name","pop"} ,cmap=’summer’ ,style_kwds=dict(stroke=True,weight=1,color=’black’, opacity=0.5, fillOpacity=0.9) ,marker_kwds=dict(radius=5,icon=folium.Icon(icon=’house-blank’)) ,name="Residental" ) The icon represents the position of …

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How to add scrollbar to Python Folium popup?

How to add scrollbar to Python Folium popup? Question: How do you add a vertical scrollbar to a Python Folium map popup? I have too much information to display that the popup spans the entire screen currently. Asked By: testytesttest || Source Answers: Use an iframe object and add it to the folium.popup object. Heres …

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Setting a color using an attribute, folium, python dataframe

Setting a color using an attribute, folium, python dataframe Question: I would like CircleMarker to set the color using an argument, is there such a possibility? I have dataframe something like this below: lon lat segment ABMF00GLP -61.528 16.262 41 ABPO00MDG 47.229 -19.018 71 ACRG00GHA -0.207 5.641 16 AGGO00ARG -58.140 -34.874 4 AIRA00JPN 130.600 31.824 …

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How to show geopandas interactive map with .explore()

How to show geopandas interactive map with .explore() Question: I made a geopandas dataframe and I want to use geopandas_dataframe.explore() to create an interactive map. Here is my code. First I create the geopandas dataframe, I check the dtypes and I try to map the dataframe with gdf.explore(). Unfortunately, my code just finishes without errors …

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Text as tooltip, popup or labels in folium choropleth GeoJSON polygons

Text as tooltip, popup or labels in folium choropleth GeoJSON polygons Question: Folium allow to create Markers with tooltip or popup text. I would like to do the same with my GeoJSON polygons. My GeoJSON has a property called "name" ( -> let’s assume it is the name of each US state). I would like …

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