
Pyglet working only with installed fonts?

Pyglet working only with installed fonts? Question: This program uses Tkinter and I’m trying to display text using a custom font that is not installed on my Windows machine, since other users certainly will not have this font installed as well.. I’ve tried to use pyglet but it only works when the font is installed.. …

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How to make the label text bold in PySimpleGUI?

How to make the label text bold in PySimpleGUI? Question: for example label = sg.Text("Hello World", font="Helvetica") How to make this text Bold ? Also, is there any source that all of the supporting fonts by PySimpleGUI are mentioned? Asked By: Hardliner || Source Answers: The font parameter can be used to specify a bold …

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How to load fonts from GCS(problem solved)

How to load fonts from GCS Question: I want to load "fonts" from Google Storage, I’ve try two ways, but none of them work. Any pointers? Appreciated for any advices provided. First: I follow the instruction load_font_from_gcs(uri)given in the answer here, but I received an NameError: name ‘load_font_from_gcs’ is not defined message. I installed google …

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AddPrivateFont to App Title / Title bar in WxPython?

AddPrivateFont to App Title / Title bar in WxPython? Question: My problem is I can’t find the way to use AddPrivateFont to change the App Title font in WxPython. From the demo and the sample I tried f = wx.Font( pointSize=18, family=wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, style=wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, weight=wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, underline=False, faceName="Youth Touch", encoding=wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT, ) xwq = self.SetAppName("Custom Gui …

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QFontMetrics leave extra space between lines

QFontMetrics leave extra space between lines Question: I’m trying to draw multiple paragraphs of text with PySide6’s QPainter and QFontMetrics. I want to draw them with the same spacing as they would have if I drew them all in a single block of text, but the line spacing isn’t quite right. In the following example, …

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change Ascii Text Font to Unicode font in Python

change Ascii Text Font to Unicode font in Python Question: I’m want to make normal text like this: Hello Into This: In python. What should I do ? Asked By: God || Source Answers: Your desired string is (character by character): (U+1D4D7, MATHEMATICAL BOLD SCRIPT CAPITAL H (0xd835,0xdcd7)) (U+1D4EE, MATHEMATICAL BOLD SCRIPT SMALL E (0xd835,0xdcee)) …

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How to use fontTools to detect the font type

How to use fontTools to detect the font type Question: Is there a way to know if a font is a TrueType or OpenType font? I specify that the extension of the font does not matter to me, so ttx.guessFileType(fontPath) is not a good solution for me. Asked By: jeremie bergeron || Source Answers: You …

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Pyfiglet/Python – Print Pyfiglet ASCII in one line

Pyfiglet/Python – Print Pyfiglet ASCII in one line Question: This is my code to print "x t e k k y" whit a cool ASCII font using pyfiglet, but the output always displays in 2 lines, whith gives a bad aestethic, is there any way to fix that? from pyfiglet import figlet_format from termcolor import …

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