
what is the difference between object detection fps and video fps?

what is the difference between object detection fps and video fps? Question: `I’m using in edge impulse FOMO I know that object detection fps is 1/inference time my model’s time per inference is 2ms so object detection is 500fps but my model run vscode fps is 9.5 what is the difference between object detection fps …

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Pygame FPS is only 0.0

Pygame FPS is only 0.0 Question: So, I am making a game engine in python using pygame. I am trying to get and display fps using pygame.time.Clock().get_fps(), but it is only saying 0.0 . Here is the basic code: import pygame from pygame.locals import * screen = pygame.display.set_mode() while 1: print(pygame.time.Clock().get_fps()) pygame.time.Clock().tick(60) I just need …

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Motion Builder 2019 Python setting custom framerate for plot options

Motion Builder 2019 Python setting custom framerate for plot options Question: I believe when setting plot options you set the fps using plot period with FBTime and an FBTimeMode. This seems to work for all preset time modes, but when setting to custom I can’t figure out how to set the fps of the custom …

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Show FPS in Pygame

Show FPS in Pygame Question: I’m working on a project with my friend in python with pygame. We try to show FPS in our game but we just fail. The fps counter are always at zero. Here is the code: #Create Text def Render_Text(what, color, where): font = pygame.font.Font(‘assets/Roboto.ttf’, 30) text = font.render(what, 1, pygame.Color(color)) …

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Advanced game made in pygame is too slow

Advanced game made in pygame is too slow Question: I’ve been working on a game for a month and it’s quite awesome. I’m not very new to game developing. There are no sprites and no images, only primitive drawn circles and rectangles. Everything works well except that the FPS gets slow the more I work …

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Python OpenCV video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) returns 0.0 FPS

Python OpenCV video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) returns 0.0 FPS Question: This is my video This is the script to find fps: import cv2 if __name__ == ‘__main__’ : video = cv2.VideoCapture(“test.mp4”); # Find OpenCV version (major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split(‘.’) if int(major_ver) < 3 : fps = video.get( print “Frames per second using video.get( {0}”.format(fps) else : fps …

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Getting timestamp of each frame in a video

Getting timestamp of each frame in a video Question: I have recorded several videos from the front cam of my tablet with an Android 5.2 application I have written. I have stored the start timestamp in milliseconds (Unix time) for each video. Unfortunately each video has a different framerate (ranging from 20 to 30). With …

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fps – how to divide count by time function to determine fps

fps – how to divide count by time function to determine fps Question: I have a counter working that counts every frame. what I want to do is divide this by time to determine the FPS of my program. But I’m not sure how to perform operations on timing functions within python. I’ve tried initializing …

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pygame clock.tick() vs framerate in game main loop

pygame clock.tick() vs framerate in game main loop Question: Every pygame has a game loop that looks like this: while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False pygame.display.flip() print(“tick ” + str(pygame.time.get_ticks())) clock.tick(1) According to the api forget_ticks(): Returns the number of millisconds since pygame.init() was called. Before pygame is …

Total answers: 4

Any way to speed up Python and Pygame?

Any way to speed up Python and Pygame? Question: I am writing a simple top down rpg in Pygame, and I have found that it is quite slow…. Although I am not expecting python or pygame to match the FPS of games made with compiled languages like C/C++ or event Byte Compiled ones like Java, …

Total answers: 7