
Object-oriented approach on switching frames in tkinter using a sidebar

Object-oriented approach on switching frames in tkinter using a sidebar Question: I was developing a simple clock app which includes the features of: clock, timer, stopwatch and potentially world clock with live conversions – just a project to get me back into programming. To challenge myself, I wanted to make it under an object oriented …

Total answers: 1

Set size for a frame

Set size for a frame Question: What is the point of setting a size for a frame on Tkinter, if it will resize every time I add a new widget. ` frame1 = Frame(self.MainWindow,width=600,height=100,bg=’Blue’) frame1.grid(row=0,column=0) #frame1.pack() #Title self.mainTitle = Label(frame1,text=’Welcome’) self.mainTitle.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=60,pady=5) #Back button backButton = Button(frame1,text=’Home’,command=None) backButton.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=60,pady=5) nexButton = Button(frame1,text=’Next’,command=None) nexButton.grid(row=0,column=2,padx=60,pady=5) ` I do not …

Total answers: 1