
Upload file with ftplib not working and without any error message?

Upload file with ftplib not working and without any error message? Question: i try to upload an image to my ftp-server using ftplib with the following code – import ftplib import os import sys ADDR = "" USERNAME = "MyUser" PW = "MyPw" path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) fn = os.path.join(path, "test.png") session = ftplib.FTP() session.connect(ADDR) session.login(USERNAME, …

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Search one file (from list) with shortened name as input

Search one file (from list) with shortened name as input Question: Code below is connecting to my FTPserver and looks for file; these files have timestamps at start of name and added filename, like ‘timestamp+name.txt’. Those timestamps usually have 16 characters, look below: I’m trying to make this "searcher" to search files by ignoring timestamps, …

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ftplib – ignore lib's 550 error and continue with file searching

Ignore ftplib's 550 error when file does not exist and and continue with other files Question: I have problem with ignoring an error and just going on with other commands. The code below is checking if file exists (using FTP.size) and prints message if so. And – here is problem. When it doesn’t find file …

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Read Last Row of CSV file from FTP

Read Last Row of CSV file from FTP Question: I have a csv file sitting in an FTP Server. I am able to download the file completely using the ftplib in python, but it is like extra compute and internet burden for me. My main concern is to read the last line only, from the …

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How to create folder and subfolders if they don't exist with remote send

How to create folder and subfolders if they don't exist with remote send Question: I need to send the images downloaded from one server to another. However, I need to save the images in folder with "year" , "month . Here’s an example: ftp = ftplib.FTP(‘ftp-server’,’userftp’,’*********’) file = open(‘download-torrent-filme.webp’,’rb’) ftp.storbinary(‘STOR year/month/download-torrent-filme.webp’, file) I need to …

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How to create a Python nested dictionary based on a FTP tree of folders

How to create a Python nested dictionary based on a FTP tree of folders Question: I’m trying to create a dictionary based on a tree of folders located on a FTP server (see image below): The result I’m looking for is : A primary dictionnary that have secondary dictionnaries (as keys) with some lists (as …

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