
What's the meaning of the percentages displayed for each test on PyTest?

What's the meaning of the percentages displayed for each test on PyTest? Question: I’m new to testing with Pytest, and I’ve run into a minor but annoying hangup. In the command line test session results, I see my tests passing, but the percentage shown is not 100%, for some tests. With some aggressive logging, I …

Total answers: 2

Simulate multipart/form-data file upload with Falcon's Testing module

Simulate multipart/form-data file upload with Falcon's Testing module Question: This simple Falcon API will take a HTTP POST with enctype=multipart/form-data and a file upload in the file parameter and print the file’s content on the console: # import cgi import falcon class SomeTestApi(object): def on_post(self, req, resp): upload = cgi.FieldStorage(, environ=req.env) upload = upload[‘file’] …

Total answers: 2

Django Test framework with file based Email backend server

Django Test framework with file based Email backend server Question: I have formulated test cases in Django framework. Use Case: I am using API that register user by sending them an Email and when they click on the link provided in the Email their account get activated. In my I am using EMAIL_FILE_PATH =’django.core.mail.backends.filebased.EmailBackend’ …

Total answers: 3

Does Python have anything Like Capybara/Cucumber?

Does Python have anything Like Capybara/Cucumber? Question: Ruby has this great abstraction layer on top of Selenium called Capybara, which you can use do functional/acceptance/integration testing. It also has another library called Cucumber which takes this a step further and lets you actually write tests in English. Both libraries are built on top of Selenium, …

Total answers: 7