
Why does adding the decorator @lru_cache(from functools) break this function?

Why does adding the decorator @lru_cache(from functools) break this function? Question: The function is a part of the solution to the following problem: "Find all valid combinations of k numbers that sum up to n such that the following conditions are true: Only numbers 1 through 9 are used. Each number is used at most …

Total answers: 3

How to put values on a single raw from multiple columns in Pandas

How to put values on a single raw from multiple columns in Pandas Question: I have been scratching my head for days about this problem. Please, find below the structure of my input data and the output that I want. I color-coded per ID, Plot, Survey, Trial and the 3 estimation methods. In the output, …

Total answers: 1

Automatically add decorator to all inherited methods

Automatically add decorator to all inherited methods Question: I want in class B to automatically add the decorator _preCheck to all methods that have been inherited from class A. In the example b.double(5) is correctly called with the wrapper. I want to avoid to manually re-declare (override) the inherited methods in B but instead, automatically …

Total answers: 2

AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'register' when using functools.singledispatch

AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'register' when using functools.singledispatch Question: Goal: create a single-dispatch generic function; as per functools documentation. I want to use my_func() to calculate dtypes: int or list, in pairs. Note: I’ve chosen to implement type hints and to raise errors for my own test cases, outside of the scope of …

Total answers: 1

Python/Cython return Chained function

Python/Cython return Chained function Question: I am trying to return a chained function In the below I would like to give it a list of values that map to functions. For example from the code below get_function([0,1,2]) returns the function fun(x , [a,b,c]) = a*b/x**c = mult(div(pow(x,c),b),a) What I have so far is close def …

Total answers: 1

is there anyway of getting a values index in an iterable when using functools.reduce in python

is there anyway of getting a values index in an iterable when using functools.reduce in python Question: I have a function that would benefit from using functools.reduce it would act something like this import functools def add(total, val, max_index, index): if index > max_index: return total else: return total + val arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] functools.reduce(functools.partial(add, …

Total answers: 2

Columns must be same length as ke by using lru_cache

Columns must be same length as ke by using lru_cache Question: I have a problem. I want to get the coordinates long and lat from the address. I want to check directly in the method whether this address already has a long and lat value and if so, should this be taken and not queried …

Total answers: 1

functools.singledispatchmethod with own class as arg type

functools.singledispatchmethod with own class as arg type Question: I would like to use functools.singledispatchmethod to overload the binary arithmetic operator methods of a class called Polynomial. The problem I have is that I can’t find a way to register method calls where other is a Polynomial. Perhaps better explained with a simple example: from __future__ …

Total answers: 1

how to run nested partials

how to run nested partials Question: I have a set of nested partials that I’m trying to call: print(my_partial) functools.partial(<function g at 0x000001A047370598>, functools.partial(<function f at 0x000001A047370620>, functools.partial(<function c at 0x000001A047370400>, 5))) so when I try to run my partial I get the inner partial back: print(my_partial) functools.partial(<function f at 0x000001A047370620>, functools.partial(<function c at 0x000001A047370400>, …

Total answers: 2