
How to write a polynomial in x**3 instead of x using Polynomial

How to write a polynomial in x**3 instead of x using Polynomial Question: At the moment i have a polynomial (of a galois field) in function of x. But i want to "evaluate" it in x^3. Any ideas on how to do it? import galois GF = galois.GF(31) f = galois.Poly([1, 0, 0, 15], field=GF); …

Total answers: 1

Interpolate polynomial over a finite field

Interpolate polynomial over a finite field Question: I want to use python interpolate polynomial on points from a finite-field and get a polynomial with coefficients in that field. Currently I’m trying to use SymPy and specifically interpolate (from sympy.polys.polyfuncs), but I don’t know how to force the interpolation to happen in a specific gf. If …

Total answers: 2