
How to fix seaborn kde error for geographic coordinates

How to fix seaborn kde error for geographic coordinates Question: I have the following dataframe (2000 rows) Latitude Longitude 31.400091 -109.782830 31.400091 -108.782830 31.410091 -108.782830 31.405091 -109.782830 31.400091 -110.77830 31.460091 -12.782830 … … I’m currently trying to represent it the point mass concentration with kde from seaborn package : x = df[‘Longitude’] y = df[‘Latitude’] …

Total answers: 1

Measuring geographic distance with scipy

Measuring geographic distance with scipy Question: I fail to use the outcome of scipy‘s pdist function. I am interested in the real geographic distance (preferred unit: km). Take the following coordinates: from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist coordinates = [ (42.057, -71.08), (39.132, -84.5155) ] distance = pdist(coordinates) print distance # [ 13.75021037] But what’s the unit? …

Total answers: 2