
Load / Plot geopandas dataframe with GeometryCollection column

Load / Plot geopandas dataframe with GeometryCollection column Question: I have a dataset like this: You can reproduce this dataframe loading the following dict: {‘entity_ts’: {0: ‘2022-11-01T00:00:56.000Z’, 1: ‘2022-11-01T00:00:56.000Z’}, ‘entity_id’: {0: ‘WAZE.jams.1172133072’, 1: ‘WAZE.jams.1284082818’}, ‘street’: {0: ‘Ac. Monsanto, Benfica’, 1: nan}, ‘position’: {0: {‘type’: ‘GeometryCollection’, ‘geometries’: [{‘coordinates’: [[[-9.168816, 38.741779], [-9.169618, 38.741353], [-9.16976, 38.741289]]], ‘type’: ‘MultiLineString’}]}, …

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How to extract individual points from the shapely Multipoint data type?

How to extract individual points from the shapely Multipoint data type? Question: I am using shapely2.0; somehow, I can’t iterate through individual points in the MULTIPOINT data type in this version. I wanted to extract and plot individual points from the MULTIPOINT. The MULTIPOINT is obtained from line.intersection(circle_boundary), where I tried to get the intersection …

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TypeError received while trying to create Folium Colorline

TypeError received while trying to create Folium Colorline Question: I’m trying to create ColorLine for set of latitude and longitude coordinates. Code for the same is below, map_object = folium.Map(location=[15.235683, 75.167737], zoom_control=True, zoom_start = 10, control_scale=True) coordinates = [(15.564746,74.819551), (15.392602,75.173812),(15.392602,75.173812),(15.413797,74.735791)] color=[‘red’,’green’,’blue’] # should be of length len(coordinates) -1 line = features.ColorLine(coordinates,colors = color , weight= …

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No module named 'OWSlib'

No module named 'OWSlib' Question: After doing some research on this, the only existing source referring directly to this does not also pour in any hope. Checked into environment – the library existing is called OWSLib==0.28.1, do capital letters in libraries tell something? A script? Unsuccessful with installing other versions also. Ran the only command …

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Changing `ylim` on `cartopy` with different `central_longitude`

Changing `ylim` on `cartopy` with different `central_longitude` Question: I want to create a map on Mercator projection from -60S to 60N but with -160W as the central longitude. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as ccrs fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=0) ) ax.set_extent([-180,180,-60,60]) ax.coastlines(resolution=’110m’) ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True) Returns the expected result for central_longitude=0 But if …

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How can I solve this "IndexError: index 774 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 724"?

How can I solve this "IndexError: index 774 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 724"? Question: Code: import geopandas as gpd import rasterio as rio capital_cities = gpd.read_file(r’C:UsersuserDesktopSHPBangladesh_shapefile_Feature.shp’) capital_cities[‘Temp’]=0 for index, row in capital_cities.iterrows() : city= row[‘DISTNAME’] longitude=row[‘geometry’].x latitude=row[‘geometry’].y temp_raster =’C:UsersuserDesktopOutput rasterc2019GDP_Clip.tif’) temp_data = rowIndex, colIndex = temp_raster.index(longitude, latitude) print(city …

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Reading GPKG format file over Apache Beam

Reading GPKG format file over Apache Beam Question: I have a requirement to parse and load gpgk extension file to Bigquery table through apache beam (Dataflow runner). I could see that beam has feature called Geobeam, but i couldn’t see reference for loading of gpgk files. Q1: Which Beam library can help me to load …

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Sum decimal numbers in numpy array

Sum decimal numbers in numpy array Question: I need to sum values from different arrays, but the problem is that an array that contains the number 0.5 is recognized just as 0. . I need to sum the decimal part of the number (.5) because is to calculate an index. This is my code red_band …

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Converting contours in an image to lines in shapefile using python

Converting contours in an image to lines in shapefile using python Question: I have processed a screenshot from google maps using OpenCV and identified some contours for the red road sections, and I want to project these contours to a shapefile. I have searched but couldn’t find an answer that followed the same purpose. Here …

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How to read a H5 file containing satellite data in Python?

How to read a H5 file containing satellite data in Python? Question: As part of a project I’m exploring satellite data and the data is available in H5 format. I’m new to this format and I’m unable to process the data. I’m able to open the file in a software called Panoply and found that …

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