
How do I enable multisampling using glfw in Python?

How do I enable multisampling using glfw in Python? Question: I am trying to enable 4x multisampling for OpenGL in Python. But I keep getting an error saying "GFLW_SAMPLES" is not defined. The way I understand it this should be included in glfw. from OpenGL.GL import * import glfw import sys glfw.window_hint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4) Is there …

Total answers: 1

Rendering Triangle using PyImgui/PyOpenGL/GLFW stack

Rendering Triangle using PyImgui/PyOpenGL/GLFW stack Question: I’m new to the intermediate GUI framework world and OpenGL. I’m trying to get this example to work: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import glfw import OpenGL.GL as gl import numpy as np import imgui from imgui.integrations.glfw import GlfwRenderer def main(): imgui.create_context() window = impl_glfw_init() impl = GlfwRenderer(window) while …

Total answers: 1