
AttributeError: module 'web3.geth' has no attribute 'admin'

AttributeError: module 'web3.geth' has no attribute 'admin' Question: I am following the geth api documentation (https://web3py.readthedocs.io/en/v5/web3.geth.html#gethadmin-api) and when running web3.geth.admin.start_ws(host=’localhost’, port=8546, cors="", apis="eth, net, web3") getting the following error AttributeError: module ‘web3.geth’ has no attribute ‘admin’ Asked By: Bemz || Source Answers: I used: from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(‘http://localhost:8545’)) to connect to …

Total answers: 1

How can we get token holders from token?

How can we get token holders from token? Question: I have created my own ERC-20 token (AJR) and deploy on Ethereum private node, Now I want to list all the transaction by Token name. Also, I need to list down all the token holders by using contract address or token name. I try to fetch …

Total answers: 3

How to make a Docker container talk to geth on local host

How to make a Docker container talk to geth on local host Question: I have a simple python script using web3 Dockerized and I’m trying to connect to geth.ipc on local host and I can’t seem to connect to it. Is there a way to do it? Python: from web3 import Web3 web3 = Web3(Web3.IPCProvider(“/Ethereum/geth.ipc”)) …

Total answers: 1

Web3.py transactions are not broadcast on Ethereum Rinkby testnet

Web3.py transactions are not broadcast on Ethereum Rinkby testnet Question: I am using the web.py code below to try and send a transaction with 1 ETH on the Rinkeby testnet via a local geth node. I can see the transactions as submitted in live local ethereum node log stream, but they don’t ever seem to …

Total answers: 1