
Murmur3 Hash Compatibility Between Go and Python

Murmur3 Hash Compatibility Between Go and Python Question: We have two different libraries, one in Python and one in Go that need to compute murmur3 hashes identically. Unfortunately no matter how hard we try, we cannot get the libraries to produce the same result. It appears from this SO question about Java and Python that …

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error while parsing JSON file, probally a hidden value on the JSON content

error while parsing JSON file, probally a hidden value on the JSON content Question: I have this JSON file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zh_fJJNWs9GaPnlLZ459twSubsYkzMi5/view?usp=share_link Looks normal at first, even using online json schema validators However when parsing it locally, I get error. I tried it with python, nodejs and golang but It’s not working. I think it probably has …

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How to combine two code points to get one?

How to combine two code points to get one? Question: I know that unicode code point for Á is U+00C1. I read on internet and many forums and articles that I can also make an Á by combining characters ´ (unicode: U+00B4) and A (unicode: U+0041). My question is simple. How to do it? I …

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How to use go to verify whether the plaintext password is the same as the salt md5 password?

How to use go to verify whether the plaintext password is the same as the salt md5 password? Question: Python: # generate password ldap_salted_md5.hash("123456") # verify password ldap_salted_md5.verify("123456","{SMD5}991RjK3DQCT+ri/yxQB613Yuxdg=") # return true shell: # generate password slappasswd -h {SMD5} -s "123456" # return {SMD5}ZmDHoIiZZG/weuCNkLj189sFoPM= # verify password by python ldap_salted_md5.verify("123456","{SMD5}ZmDHoIiZZG/weuCNkLj189sFoPM=") # return True I want to …

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When I write an int64 type number to the function, a different number is returned

When I write an int64 type number to the function, a different number is returned Question: I converted the golang code to c code and called it from python. but when the function should return a number close to the number I wrote inside, it returns a very different number. main.py import ctypes library = …

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How to send OpenCV Image using python requests to Go Endpoint

How to send OpenCV Image using python requests to Go Endpoint Question: Here is the code for my camera script import cv2 import requests from datetime import datetime from time import sleep def sendImage(frame): imencoded = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame)[1] now = datetime.now() seq = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") file = {‘file’: (seq+’.jpg’, imencoded.tobytes(), ‘image/jpeg’)} response = requests.post("http://localhost:3004/", files=file, timeout=5) …

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Python asyncio event loop equivalent in Go lang

Python asyncio event loop equivalent in Go lang Question: I use asyncio event loop which is a kind of performing asynchronous/concurrency tasks in Python3.x . Is there any equivalent of asyncio (async/await) or coroutines in Go lang on a thread only? [NOTE]: Not parallelism + concurrency (multiprocessing) pattern. [UPDATE]: Here is an asynchronous event loop …

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Equivalent of Python string.format in Go?

Equivalent of Python string.format in Go? Question: In Python, you can do this: “File {file} had error {error}”.format(file=myfile, error=err) or this: “File %(file)s had error %(error)s” % {“file”: myfile, “error”: err} In Go, the simplest option is: fmt.Sprintf(“File %s had error %s”, myfile, err) which doesn’t let you swap the order of the parameters in …

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Python equivalent of golang's defer statement

Python equivalent of golang's defer statement Question: How would one implement something that works like the defer statement from go in python? Defer pushes a function call to a stack. When the function containing the defer statement returns, the defered function calls are popped and executed one by one, in the scope that the defer …

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Can Golang multiply strings like Python can?

Can Golang multiply strings like Python can? Question: Python can multiply strings like so: Python 3.4.3 (default, Mar 26 2015, 22:03:40) [GCC 4.9.2] on linux Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information. >>> x = ‘my new text is this long’ >>> y = ‘#’ * len(x) >>> y ‘########################’ >>> Can Golang …

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