
How to scrape related searches on google?

How to scrape related searches on google? Question: I’m trying to scrape google for related searches when given a list of keywords, and then output these related searches into a csv file. My problem is getting beautiful soup to identify the related searches html tags. Here is an example html tag in the source code: …

Total answers: 2

How to interact with google tab: Who's using chrome?

How to interact with google tab: Who's using chrome? Question: in my code I open chrome and the tab that opens first is the next: see picture.Google’s who’s using chrome tab I would like to interact with it to use either of the profiles( which I prefer at the time ) I tried pyautogui, ActionChains …

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Selenium send_keys – method sends xpath( Python abnormal behavior )

Selenium send_keys – method sends xpath( Python abnormal behavior ) Question: I am working on a Tinder project and for that I would like to log in with google. I managed to hide from and I could log in with success, however when I use the send_keys method to send my email, it sends the …

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Python selenium crashed

Python selenium crashed Question: I use "selenium" to locate info with Python3.9.6 64-bit.Sometimes it does output some correct results, but then suddenly crashes after finishing a few of the 10 tasks. But sometimes it doesn’t work at all.Codes are like this: from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import By import time …

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Google Translate web gives two different translations (chrome browser vs Selenium/chromedriver)

Google Translate web gives two different translations (chrome browser vs Selenium/chromedriver) Question: I’m having a similar issue to this question, but with German. When I use a Chrome browser on my pc I get one translation (from, but with Selenium (in headless mode) I get a different translation. As an example, the following text …

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Is running Selenium on Google Colab possible?

Is running Selenium on Google Colab possible? Question: I’m having difficulty working with Selenium directly from Google Colab. Whenever I run the code below on my local machine I get success, however I would like to test the same application in Colab, but all the options I test I can’t succeed. import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(‘ignore’) from …

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How get the selected text option with Selenium using Python?

How get the selected text option with Selenium using Python? Question: I have this option in a web page screenshot html code I am trying to extract the selected text in the SELECTBOX with this code: time.sleep(5) elemento2 = Select(WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, "jform[cod_comune]")))) selected_option = elemento2.first_selected_option print(selected_option.text) but I get nothing, not even errors. The text …

Total answers: 1

USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection error with ChromeDriver v87 / Chrome v87 using Selenium on Windows10

USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection error with ChromeDriver v87 / Chrome v87 using Selenium on Windows10 Question: We recently upgraded our Windows 10 test environment with ChromeDriver v87.0.4280.20 and Chrome v87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) and after the up-gradation even the minimal program is producing this ERROR log: [9848:10684:1201/] [01:32:33.170] USB: …

Total answers: 8