
google translate API bottleneck

google translate API bottleneck Question: I’m currently working on an ETL pipeline and it takes too long to run after checking which part of the code takes the longest I found this: I’m using the Google Cloud Translate API to translate keywords that don’t have translations in my db, but I’m running into a bottleneck …

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Overwrite single file in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, via Python code

Overwrite single file in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, via Python code Question: I have a logs.txt file at certain location, in a Compute Engine VM Instance. I want to periodically backup (i.e. overwrite) logs.txt in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Since logs.txt is the result of some preprocessing made inside a Python script, I …

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Access Blocked: <project> has not completed the Google verification process

Access Blocked: <project> has not completed the Google verification process Question: I am building a simple script which polls some data and then updates a spreadsheet that I am giving to my client. (It is a small project and I don’t need anything fancy.) So I created a Google Cloud project, enabled the Sheets API, …

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Sending large file to gcloud worked on another internet connection but not mine

Sending large file to gcloud worked on another internet connection but not mine Question: So I am doing this to send my 400 megabyte ai model to the cloud model_file = pickle.dumps(model) blob = bucket.blob("models/{user_id}.pickle") blob.upload_from_string(model_file) it takes a long time to process then i get three errors: ssl.SSLWantWriteError: The operation did not complete (write) …

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Will Google Cloud run this type of application?

Will Google Cloud run this type of application? Question: I have a python script which run 24 hours on my local system and my script uses different third party libraries that are installed using pip in python Libraries BeautifulSoup requests m3u8 My python script is recording some live stream videos from a website and is …

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Connecting to PostgreSQL on Google Cloud Platform using Unix Sockets and SQLAlchemy

Connecting to PostgreSQL on Google Cloud Platform using Unix Sockets and SQLAlchemy Question: I am trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database hosted on a Google Cloud Platform instance using unix sockets and the SQLAlchemy library. My database instance is configured to accept unix socket connections. When I run my application locally, I use the …

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Jupyter lab syntax error for the same %%bigquery command on the GCP environment

Jupyter lab syntax error for the same %%bigquery command on the GCP environment Question: I am trying to fetch a BigQuery table as a Python dataframe in the GCP’s Jupyter lab environment. It worked perfectly fine and also performed analysis on the dataframe. However, after restarting the kernel, I am unable to recreate the df …

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Connect to cloudSQL db using service account with pymysql or mysql.connector

Connect to cloudSQL db using service account with pymysql or mysql.connector Question: I have a running CloudSQL instance running in another VPC and a nginx proxy to allow cross-vpc access. I can access the db using a built-in user. But how can I access the DB using a Google Service Account? import google.auth import google.auth.transport.requests …

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