
Django google kubernetes client not running exe inside the job

Django google kubernetes client not running exe inside the job Question: I have a docker image that I want to run inside my django code. Inside that image there is an executable that I have written using c++ that writes it’s output to google cloud storage. Normally when I run the django code like this: …

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Upload zip file from Google cloud storage to SFTP server without loading into memory using Python

Upload zip file from Google cloud storage to SFTP server without loading into memory using Python Question: I want to upload large zip files from google cloud bucket to SFTP server without loading into memory and cloud function. I am using pysftp for SFTP transfer. with pysftp.Connection(host="SFTP Server", username=’test’, password=’test’, cnopts=cnopts) as sftp: sftp.cwd("/tmp") sftp.put("zip_file_from_google_bucket") …

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Google BigQuery query in Python works when using result(), but Permission issue when using to_dataframe()

Google BigQuery query in Python works when using result(), but Permission issue when using to_dataframe() Question: I’ve run into a problem after upgrades of my pip packages and my bigquery connector that returns query results suddenly stopped working with following error message from import bigquery from google.oauth2 import service_account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(‘path/to/file’, scopes=[‘’, ‘’, …

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Reading Data in Vertex AI Pipelines

Reading Data in Vertex AI Pipelines Question: This is my first time using Google’s Vertex AI Pipelines. I checked this codelab as well as this post and this post, on top of some links derived from the official documentation. I decided to put all that knowledge to work, in some toy example: I was planning …

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Error uploading file to google cloud storage

Error uploading file to google cloud storage Question: How should the files on my server be uploaded to google cloud storage? the code I have tried is given below, however, it throws a type error, saying, the expected type is not byte for: the expected type is not byte for: blob.upload_from_file( Although upload_from_file requires a …

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Return GCS objects created between two dates

Return GCS objects created between two dates Question: Is this the most efficient way in python of finding blob storage object created between two dates? def objects_in_date_range(store, start_date, end_date): storage_client = storage.Client() bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(store) bucket_list = storage_client.list_blobs(bucket) for blob in bucket_list: name = created = blob.time_created # print(type(created), created) # print(type(start_date), start_date) if …

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Cloud Storage – Get actual creation date of a file

Cloud Storage – Get actual creation date of a file Question: Whenever I upload a file to my Cloud Storage bucket, I expect it to conserve the actual date that file was created. However, whenever I access the file through the storage client API on Python, and check the generation metadata field of the blob, …

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How do I split a PDF in google cloud storage using Python

How do I split a PDF in google cloud storage using Python Question: I have a single PDF that I would like to create different PDFs for each of its pages. How would I be able to so without downloading anything locally? I know that Document AI has a file splitting module (which would actually …

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