
Python: Download Google Doc as Odt

Python: Download Google Doc as Odt Question: I want to download a Google doc as an .odt-file. There’s a previous question on how to download normal files from Google Drive. I want to download the Doc with Python, because I then want to continue to work with it within my slave. Asked By: Christian || …

Total answers: 1

reading google gdoc in python

reading google gdoc in python Question: I am trying to develop a workflow to convert some txt files saved in google drive into markdown files using python. Below is the overview of what i am trying to do. The txt files are being uploaded to google drive. I was hoping I would access my google …

Total answers: 1

How can I read a gdoc file in Google Colab?

How can I read a gdoc file in Google Colab? Question: I’m trying to read a bunch of Google Docs files into Google collab to work with some text data. It can’t seem to read in the ‘.gdoc’ file format, only the .txt file format. Do I have to save all of them as .txt …

Total answers: 2

Extract DOCX Comments

Extract DOCX Comments Question: I’m a teacher. I want a list of all the students who commented on the essay I assigned, and what they said. The Drive API stuff was too challenging for me, but I figured I could download them as a zip and parse the XML. The comments are tagged in w:comment …

Total answers: 4

Download a spreadsheet from Google Docs using Python

Download a spreadsheet from Google Drive / Workspace using Python Question: Can you produce a Python example of how to download a Google Sheets spreadsheet given its key and worksheet ID (gid)? I can’t. I’ve scoured versions 1, 2 and 3 of the API. I’m having no luck, I can’t figure out their compilcated ATOM-like …

Total answers: 13

Embed Google Docs PDF viewer in IFRAME

Embed Google Docs PDF viewer in IFRAME Question: When I upload PDF to Google Docs (using Python’s gdata library), I get link to the document: >>> e.GetAlternateLink().href Out[14]: ‘ id=<veery-long-doc-id>&hl=en’ Unfortunately using that link in IFRAME is not working for me because PDF viewer is redirecting to itself, breaking out of IFRAME. Looking for the …

Total answers: 6