
Initializing an earth engine project in Colab

Initializing an earth engine project in Colab Question: I can no longer initailize my own earth engine project on Google colab using Python. I tried initializing using the ee.Initialize() method on Colab with used to provide with a link that will generate a token to my project but instead i get this error: WARNING:googleapiclient.http:Encountered 403 …

Total answers: 2

Sum decimal numbers in numpy array

Sum decimal numbers in numpy array Question: I need to sum values from different arrays, but the problem is that an array that contains the number 0.5 is recognized just as 0. . I need to sum the decimal part of the number (.5) because is to calculate an index. This is my code red_band …

Total answers: 1

How to export results using Python in Google Earth Engine

How to export results using Python in Google Earth Engine Question: I am trying to translate a JavaScript earth engine code to Python. The last line of my code below attempts to export result outputs to my Google Drive but with no avail. The code seems to run through on my Linux virtual machine though. …

Total answers: 1