
Shared key generation from EC with pycryptodome

Shared key generation from EC with pycryptodome Question: I’m curently working on a project were i need to compute an hkdf symetric key. To do that i need to generate a shared secret from the private key and an ephemeral public key. For the rest of my work i did use pycryptodome but i can’t …

Total answers: 1

Compute ecies hkdf symetric key with pycryptodome

Compute ecies hkdf symetric key with pycryptodome Question: Context: i’m working on making a python version of paymentmethodtoken from the google tink library to work with gpay messages. For that i use only python and PyCryptodome. With that said i’m currently trying to implement an equivalent of the kem function: private byte[] kem(JsonObject json, final …

Total answers: 1