
The request failed: Google returned a response with code 400 with Pytrends Python Library for Google Trends API

The request failed: Google returned a response with code 400 with Pytrends Python Library for Google Trends API Question: I have the following code: from pytrends.request import TrendReq keywords = [‘example1’, ‘example2’, ‘example3′] mapping = {} pytrends = TrendReq() for keyword in keywords[:3]: print(keyword) pytrends.build_payload(keyword,timeframe=’today 12-m’) trend_data = pytrends.interest_over_time() series = trend_data[keyword[0]] print(series) plt.plot(series) …

Total answers: 1

Pytrends ResponseErrore code 429 for a search list of many words

Pytrends ResponseErrore code 429 for a search list of many words Question: I am trying to get google search volume index using Pytrends. However, when I use a large set of words, I get the following error: TooManyRequestsError: The request failed: Google returned a response with code 429 There are similar posts on this issue …

Total answers: 1

Pytrends: The request failed: Google returned a response with code 429

Pytrends: The request failed: Google returned a response with code 429 Question: I’m using Pytrends to extract Google trends data, like: from pytrends.request import TrendReq pytrend = TrendReq() pytrend.build_payload(kw_list=[‘bitcoin’], cat=0, timeframe=from_date+’ ‘+today_date) And it returns an error: ResponseError: The request failed: Google returned a response with code 429. I made it yesterday and for some …

Total answers: 5