
Python requests post a query to graphql with variables

Python requests post a query to graphql with variables Question: I’m trying to get a list of offers for an item sold on def getHighestOffer(self): query = """query OrdersQuery(n $cursor: Stringn $count: Int = 10n $excludeMaker: IdentityInputTypen $isExpired: Booleann $isFilled: Booleann $isValid: Booleann $maker: IdentityInputTypen $makerArchetype: ArchetypeInputTypen $makerAssetIsPayment: Booleann $takerArchetype: ArchetypeInputTypen $takerAssetCategories: [CollectionSlug!]n $takerAssetCollections: …

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Testing subscriptions using graphene.test in Python Graphene

Testing subscriptions using graphene.test in Python Graphene Question: What is the idiomatic approach for testing subscriptions in graphene-python? It seems that the client.execute option in graphene.test is only appropriate for Query testing. P.S. There is a subscription execution example in the documentation but it does not seem to be part of the testing library ( …

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Best way to construct a GraphQL query string in Python

Best way to construct a GraphQL query string in Python Question: I’m trying to do this (see title), but it’s a bit complicated since the string I’m trying to build has to have the following properties: mulitiline contains curly braces I want to inject variables into it Using a normal ””” multiline string makes injecting …

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What does TypeError, __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'get_response' mean in python?

What does TypeError, __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'get_response' mean in python? Question: I’m following the graphql python tutorial at It worked fine for the first 3 sections, but in the Authentication section I’ve run into this problem. I am learning python, don’t know Django or graphql, so it’s a lot to digest …

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How to call an AppSync mutation with Cognito authentication using python?

How to call an AppSync mutation with Cognito authentication using python? Question: Is it possible to calling an AppSync mutation with Cognito authentication using Python? How? I am trying to use boto3, but I don’t found a way to execute graphql operations. Asked By: Andrey || Source Answers: You can turn your API auth …

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Mocking response for GraphQL query resolver from ServiceObject to prevent API calls in the UnitTests

Mocking response for GraphQL query resolver from ServiceObject to prevent API calls in the UnitTests Question: Let’s assume that I have the following service object: class Foo(object): def bar(self): return [‘foo’, ‘bar’] And this is the schema: import Foo class Query(graphene.ObjectType): bar = graphene.List(lambda: graphene.String) def resolve_bar(self, info): return Foo().bar() I am trying to test …

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How to get GraphQL schema with Python?

How to get GraphQL schema with Python? Question: There’s lots of GUI clients like GraphQL Playground, GraphiQl, etc. with ability of getting GraphQL schema from the URL. How can I get the schema with Python? Asked By: Igor Zaliznyak || Source Answers: From the spec: A GraphQL server supports introspection over its schema. This schema …

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Error in graphQL python example code

Error in graphQL python example code Question: I am starting working on GraphQL and as I am from python background I am using GraphQL with Python. I followed the steps provided here Link but I am still facing issues. An error occurred while resolving field Query.hello Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/graphql/execution/”, line 311, …

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Filter at multiple levels with GraphQL and Graphene

Filter at multiple levels with GraphQL and Graphene Question: I’m using Django and Graphene and have multiple levels I’d like to filter on. But I can’t get past either “Unknown operation named “undefined”.” or getting ALL objects at each level of the hierarchy (i.e.: ALL jobDetails for all jobs listed for EACH job). I’m trying …

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