
Uploading pandas dataframe to google spreadsheet

Uploading pandas dataframe to google spreadsheet Question: I followed the steps here and here but couldn’t upload a pandas dataframe to google sheets. First I tried the following code: import gspread from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials scope = [‘’, ‘’] credentials = Credentials.from_service_account_file(‘my_json_file_name.json’, scopes=scope) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) spreadsheet_key = ‘1FNMkcPz3aLCaWIbrC51lgJyuDFhe2KEixTX1lsdUjOY’ wks_name = ‘Sheet1’ d2g.upload(df_qrt, spreadsheet_key, wks_name, …

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How to cache authorization for Google Sheets using gspread?

How to cache authorization for Google Sheets using gspread? Question: I am trying to create a simple function that posts some data to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. I am hosting this function in AWS Lambda. Anyway, the code looks kinda like this: import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials scope = [ ‘’, ‘’ ] credentials …

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GSpread Cell Merging

GSpread Cell Merging Question: I am trying to merge cells in Gsheets using Gspread for Python, however I can’t find any documentation. I have used the gspread_formatting module to format the text and colour of the cell, but I can’t find anything to do with merging of the cells. I haven’t wrote any code because …

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Updating cell values with formulas results in apostrophe prefixes with Sheets API

Updating cell values with formulas results in apostrophe prefixes with Sheets API Question: I’m using gspread and the Google Sheets API to update cell values, setting cell.value equal to a string of a specific formula. Example code: # Calculates sum of cells in current row from column B to H G_SHEETS_ROW_SUM_COMMAND = ”’=SUM(INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("B",ROW(),":H",ROW())))”’ for cell …

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Gspread stuck on authorization

Gspread stuck on authorization Question: So I’m running this code from the tutorial but can’t even get through the authorization process. import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials scope = [‘’] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(‘path/to/oauth.json’, scope) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) table = gc.openall() After n minutes of waiting when I interrupt the process, I see that it hangs …

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Appending pandas Data Frame to Google spreadsheet

Appending pandas Data Frame to Google spreadsheet Question: Case: My script returns a data frame that needs has to be appended to an existing google spreadsheet as new rows of data.As of now, I’m appending a data frame as multiple single rows through gspread. My Code: import gspread import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame() …

Total answers: 10

How to get the Worksheet ID from a Google Spreadsheet with python?

How to get the Worksheet ID from a Google Spreadsheet with python? Question: I’d like to identify a method to attain the Worksheet ID within the URL for each of the worksheets within a Google Spreadsheet Workbook. For example, the worksheet id for ‘sheet2’ of this workbook is ‘1244369280’ , since it’s url is–hnTs/edit#gid=1244369280 …

Total answers: 3